Archive of posts with year '2020'
Juniper routers consider a directly configured IP as a “direct” route, except when you use a /32 mask (for IPv4). Then it is a “local” route. This caused me some...
Juniper devices have a default ARP policer that drops ARP requests and responses over 150kbps. By default, this is an aggregate policer that applies to all interfaces. This can lead...
Juniper SRX 300 Series firewalls may stop forwarding traffic in some situations. The firewall says it is forwarding the traffic, but it doesn’t work. Monitoring traffic looks OK, ARP entries...
IPFIX is problematic on the Juniper QFX10K switches. Documentation is sparse, and doesn’t have a complete configuration. Behavior changes between versions in undocumented ways. Here’s a couple of things I...
Juniper changed the way they do temperature management on MX240 and MX480 chassis devices, somewhere between 15.1 and 17.3. The net result is that your chassis might run hotter after...
I came across a situation where a software upgrade failed for some members in a Juniper QFX Virtual Chassis. There is a known issue with upgrades with a certain configuration...
Juniper routing instances are very useful when you need separate routing tables on the one device, for example to separate customers. Junos lets you configure SNMP polling of routing instances,...